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The seven principles of
the Responsible
Nano Code

Principle one

Board accountability

Each organisation shall ensure that accountability for guiding and managing its involvement with nanotechnologies resides with the Board or is delegated to an appropriate senior executive or committee.

Principle two

Stakeholder involvement

Each organisation shall identify its nanotechnology stakeholders, proactively engage with them and be responsive to their views.

Principle three

Worker health & safety

Each organisation shall ensure high standards of occupational health and safety for its workers handling nano-materials and nano-enabled products. It shall also consider occupational health and safety issues for workers at other stages of the product lifecycle.

Principle four

Public health, safety & environmental risks

Each organisation shall carry out thorough risk assessments and minimise any potential public health, safety or environmental risks relating to its products using nanotechnologies. It shall also consider the public health, safety and environmental risks throughout the product lifecycle.

Principle five

Wider social, environmental, health and ethical implications and impacts

Each organisation shall consider and contribute to addressing the wider social, environmental, health and ethical implications and impacts of their involvement with nanotechnologies.

Principle six

Engaging with business partners

Each organisation shall engage proactively, openly and co-operatively with business partners to encourage and stimulate their adoption of the Code.

Principle seven

Transparency and disclosure

Each organisation shall be open and transparent about its involvement with and management of nanotechnologies and report regularly and clearly on how it implements the Responsible Nano Code

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