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About the Responsible
Nano Code

The Responsible Nano Code was published in 2008 and has the support of champions in the US, Asia and Europe. The Responsible Nano Code working group has partnered with Cranfield University for the delivery of a benchmark and adoption process which is likely to begin late in 2009.

Download the Report from the Responsible Nano Code and the examples of good practice here.

Background to the Responsible Nano Code

In November 2006, the Royal Society, Insight Investment and the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) came together to explore the societal and economic impact of the technical, social and commercial uncertainties related to nanotechnologies.

The three organisations began this process by convening a business-focused workshop that stimulated companies to engage more fully with the broad spectrum of questions which affect the development of nanotechnologies; the workshop brought together seventeen European companies with a commercial interest in nanotechnology - from food and chemicals manufacturers to retailers of healthcare and fashion.

The background of the workshop was laid out in the commissioned briefing paper: An Uncertain Business: The technical, social and commercial challenges presented by nanotechnology.

One of the main outcomes of the workshop was a unanimous agreement on the requirements for a voluntary Code of Conduct for businesses engaged in nanotechnology.

It was felt that such a Code should be principles based rather than standards based and would be developed through a process of engagement between a representative group of businesses from various stages of different supply chains and a wide range of stakeholders, including NGOs, government and consumer groups. Follow this link to download the full Workshop Report.

Following the success of the workshop, the three organisations agreed to take forward one of the key recommendations that emerged from the discussions: and decided to facilitate the development of a voluntary Code of Conduct for Responsible Nanotechnology ("Responsible NanoCode").

The three organisations were joined by the Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network - an initiative sponsored by the UK government's Department of Trade and Industry. These four organisations are referred to as the Founding Partners.

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