Who created it?

The site was created by The Responsible Nano Forum and the
Together Agency of Nottingham.

The site was drafted by Hilary Sutcliffe, the Director of the Responsible Nano Forum, though a number of people helped with the copy development - we would like to thank in particular (in alphabetical order) Dr Donald Bruce, Dexter Johnson, Dr Jennifer Lardge, Dr Alan Smith and Dr Elen Stokes for their contributions and Philippa Gould for her proof reading.

We then asked a small number of individuals, whose expertise is pertinent, to review the site content, mainly through informal email consultations. These were drawn from government, businesses, NGOs and scientists. Much more expert feedback will come through contributions to this pilot.

Thanks also go to Nick Wright, Natalie Green, Craig Freer, Glenn Burgess, Stuart Fowler and John Clemmit, the team at Together Agency. They have been fantastically inventive and very, very patient!