What is Nano&me all about?

What's it all about?

Thanks very much for all your help with Nano&me, we really appreciate the time you’ve taken to give us your views and your input will help shape a more detailed site.

What we’re here for

Nano&me is for anyone interested in nanotechnologies whether you’re curious about what nano is or concerned about something you’ve heard in the media. It might be useful for consumer groups wanting to know more about nano products; small businesses learning about regulation or school children needing information for a project.

Starting a debate

We’re not ‘selling’ you nanotechnologies, we aren’t nano-scientists, and we are not involved with any companies selling nano-enabled products. But nano will touch all of our lives; perhaps through ordinary products like cosmetics or construction materials or in the future through innovations, such as those in energy, medicines or robotics.

There are also uncertainties about the safety of some nanomaterials and social and ethical issues to be discussed. That’s why it’s so important that everyone can access to this information and participate in these debates.

So, this site aims to bring a balanced and thoughtful perspective to discussion about nano. Through these discussions we can then bring a wide range of views to the attention of government policy makers and any business and science using nanotechnologies.

Get involved

There are lots of opportunities to comment, add ideas or answer specific questions on the site - so get stuck in, don’t be afraid to be critical
(or kind!) because your views are important and we really want to know what they are.

Hilary Sutcliffe
Director, Responsible Nano Forum